Well ladies and gentlemen... If knitting a black mini dress was my knitting Olympics challenge, I would have run through that finish line waving my arms screaming and shouting like a wild animal.
Sadly though, that was not the plan.
The Dale sweater did not get done. Although... I must say that I'm rather impressed that I was able to stick with that much black stocking stitch for over two weeks. Had it not been for the Olympics, I am confident in saying that it would have never happened.
See that? 20" of just plain ol' black stocking stitch. A bit of ribbing at the bottom and up the sides, but not much more to show than that.
I realize it's just not in my nature to commit to one massive project at a time. I'm a polyamourous knitter, as in- I love to knit more than one thing at a time. If polyamoury is considered a sin in the knitting world- then I'm guilty as charged folks.
Take it or leave it.
In other news- a dear friend of mine just came back from Japan and brought with him a mini book just for me. I feel it's important to share the last two pages with you.
Team Effort = 1 Warm Sweater
cutest. book. ever!
"polyamorous knitter" - I love it! I'm with you on that point. :)
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