Wishing you all a very happy and healthy New Year,

Wishing you all a very happy and healthy New Year,
Posted by Lynn One, Purl Two at 10:16 am 3 comments
Not much Christmas knitting happened this year for me. I knit these, and I knit those, but that's old news to you. I had good intentions (I always do), but then that sweater took over my entire knitting life which left me with little time to crank out much else.
That is until... I came across this lovely little project.
We have had these kits at the shop for a while, and everyone who knits one raves about it, and usually casts on a second one no time after the first one is finished.
After knitting one myself, I can see why.
Posted by Lynn One, Purl Two at 9:19 am 1 comments
I knew when my boyfriend showed up for our first date wearing a knitted (albeit not hand knitted) sweater vest, that perhaps this could be the man for me. (Way to jump to conclusions Lynn!!!) I vowed that I wouldn't dive right into the "I'm knitting my boyfriend a sweater" stage for a while as I didn't want to freak the poor guy out. As we sat over Indian Food on that cold and rainy night however, he spoke of how many siblings he had, where his family was from, what kind of food made him sick (thankfully, not Indian)... While he filled me in on first-date-details, I did my best not to look like I was doing a brain scan of my stash. I have a mental rolodex of yarns I own, yarns I could own, yarns I want to own, patterns I love... and if I meet you and really, really like you, I start a search of that catalogue- without even knowing it.
When I heard it through the grapevine that his 30th birthday was looming, I felt that that was my green light to go. Interesting, because I'll have you know, I'm quite a superstitious person- this is something I'm not proud of. For those that missed the memo, there is a well known superstition amongst the knitting world known as the 'sweater curse' which essentially tells us to 'never knit your man a sweater, unless you have the ring'.
Five months before his 30th birthday however, I gave myself a pep talk, made the decision to test fate, and cast on.
By the end of November, I handed him over his sweater.
Posted by Lynn One, Purl Two at 8:28 am 9 comments
Posted by Lynn One, Purl Two at 9:00 am 1 comments
I am going to start by saying that the name of the pattern I am about to share with you is called 'Super Cupcake'. I would be lying if I didn't admit that the name was the inital draw to the pattern.
Why? Well (if you must know), I like cupcakes -A LOT.
Then, a yarn arrived at the shop that I wanted to knit with (shocking, right?).
And then came an opportunity to sit in a car for four hours as a passenger (Oh Motor City, how we love thee).
By the end of the drive there and back (well, plus maybe a bit more time on the couch to be perfectly honest with you...) my very own 'Super Cupcake' of the fat free variety was born.
Posted by Lynn One, Purl Two at 3:29 pm 1 comments
As I was working my way through my Google Reader list this morning I came across this video, on this blog.
I present you with the same dare that she presents to her readers- just try not to smile.
It's December 1st my pretties.
Posted by Lynn One, Purl Two at 8:29 pm 1 comments