Oh yes- what a perfect party outfit!
Wouldn't you just be entirely intrigued by any woman who bust through the party doors in this little number?
She would be the girl that you just HAVE to get to know. The one that gets all the good lookin' men and drinks on the house. The one that every woman in the room wants to be.
So what if she's only 6-12 months old?
In any case- cute! Non?
Le sigh... I do love this little get-up.
I even went to the mall to buy a dress to go with it. This cardigan called for an 'outfit'.
It needed to be a part of an 'ensemble'.
I walked around the store with just the sleeve of the sweater to match it up to something. The lady at the counter asked me what it was and when I told her it was a sweater that I was knitting, she told me I was really 'cute' for knitting. "You must save a lot of money by knitting!" she exclaimed. I smiled politely and told her that wasn't exactly the point. What else was I to say?
That was rude of me.
Wasn't it?The sweater details-
Yarn- Wendy's Peter Pan DK
Needles- 4mm
Pattern- Sirdar pattern # 1708
Oooooh! And speaking of 'party'! It's Mary's (AKA my mother's!) birthday today!
Cupcakes and cappucinos for everyone!
Party, party! In a hot pink cardi!HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
It's the "Party-Cardi"
Posted by Lynn One, Purl Two at 8:00 pm 2 comments
Monday, September 22, 2008
"Harmony"-ously Cabled
Oh look! It is possibe to finish a sweater after ignoring it for an entire year.
No, no silly. I didn't do it. My MOM did! I just modeled it! Didn't you read my last post? (I'm still working on my problem, but I think I'm making some progress).
This sweater is actually for my patient sister (with much longer arms than me), who will have to be patient for one more year as it sits in the store for all of you folks to see live-in-the-flesh.
Oh, and trust me, it's worth the drive.
It's soft and squishy as can be. I suppose that's the beauty of merino. That stuff never fails to amaze me when I see it knit up.
It' such a delightful yarn in fact, that Mary herself said she can't wait to cast on in this yarn again. Her mind has been spinning with more ideas for it.
Please let it be known that Mary ignoring this project for a year is not at all a reflection of the yarn- but a result of what happens when you make a big mistake.
Knitter's (well, at least the knitters in this house) seem to think that if they leave a project alone for a year, the mistake just might fix itself.
The mistake was in the pattern so be aware that it's there.
Not a huge deal... just kind of a huge deal when you are way up the back and discover it.
The schematic and the written measurements don't correspond. Mary follows the schematic and of course... ended up with a too short sweater.
The problem was solved and she got back to it.
Mission accomplished.
Wouldn't you say?Er, that shot was to show off the cabling down the arm.
Did I make my point?
Want some details?
Here you go lovely knitter.
Pattern- From Vogue Fall 2006, page 97.
"Cabled Tunic" by John Brinegar.
The pattern doesn't show a turtleneck but my mom decided to switch it up and kept it simple. My sister loves to be warm and toasty.
Yarn- Naturally's Harmony 10 plyCouldn't you just bury your face into that?
When you come to visit it at the store, and when I'm not looking, GO FOR IT!
Dear knitter, I leave you with these lovely sunflowers.
Our backyard is full of them.
I couldn't resist.
I'm off, to finish something.
I think I might have just been inspired. I just got so much satisfaction out of someone else's project, maybe I should finish my own!
Posted by Lynn One, Purl Two at 7:27 pm 4 comments
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Creative ADD
Yup. That's what my mother diagnosed me with yesterday. She's right though you know. I cast on a new project more frequently than I feed myself. It's getting to be a bit much.
I have four baby sweaters on the go right now.
That might be alright if I was expecting a baby, or even knew of lots of babies- but I don't.
So, just bear with me.
Work in progress shots can be boring, but then again, so is not posting for a month.
I'm close folks.
So close to finishing something, I can smell the ends being woven in.
On another note- it's my wee brother's 17th birthday today.
I'm not so sure I should still be calling him wee (I'm the 5'7" runt of the family) but I do remember the days when he was.
Happy Birthday.
And to you knitters- Happy Knitting.
Posted by Lynn One, Purl Two at 8:57 am 1 comments