So, I've got a sweater for you- it just happens to be a sweater for a 2 year old. That still counts though. Right? Isn't it sweet? I just had a hoot knitting it. I had put it aside to knit on my holiday last month but I just couldn't resist it sitting there looking at me. So I cast on, knit the entire thing in about 3 days before my trip but then left the last arm until oh... a couple of days ago. I mean really...
This is how I operate. Catching on?
Anyway, it was knit from the top down and I just adore doing that. Really. If you haven't done it- do it. Such a good way to knit a sweater. Especially one like that. A plain and simple pull-over. And there is no back or front. The wee tyke can pull it on over their head whichever way they want and it makes no difference. The pattern even discusses how brilliant this will make the little person feel. They can get dressed all by themselves. Nevermind that their jeans are on backwards. Their sweater will make up for it.
So, you want the details?
Pattern- Cabin Fever Top Down Pull-Over
Needles- 4mm circular 40cm long
Yarn- Naturally Buttons EXACTLY 5 balls. (I literally had enough left over to maybe make a wimpy cat toy) colour #893
So, that's it. For now. There is more. But not today.
Enjoy the cool weather and your knitting.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Little Bitt-uh Baby
Posted by Lynn One, Purl Two at 10:19 pm 2 comments
Saturday, September 22, 2007
A Sale of a Party
For those of you that shop at the store, you may have received a newsletter informing you of the event taking place next week. For those of you that don't... I thought I would pass along the news.
Mary (the person, not the store) is turning 50 on friday! So that means that we're having a party over at Mary's Yarns in Unionville. Uh huh... a party with lots of ridiculously discounted yarns. What fun! I loooooove those kind of parties.
So, allow me to give you a run-down of what' s happening. The room that normally houses all of our 50% off stuff will be 'beefed up' significantly and anything that's blue (we mean solid blue, not with a bit of blue thrown into it) will be 25% off as it is the colour of sapphire, the birthstone of September.
On top of all that... if you knit a hat and bring it in for us to give to charity, you can get any one thing you please at 50% off as well! That means that book you've wanted forever will be half price... or those blocking wires you haven't really felt like splurging on- whatever your heart fancies at the store- it's yours.
So, I just wanted to put the word out there to those in the GTA that didn't know already. You have 6 days to whip off a hat. A happy-birthday-half-price-hat. My favorite kind.
Oh, and a note on that piece of cake- yes, chocolate is Mary's favorite flavour. In case you were wondering. I found the pretty little piece here.
Posted by Lynn One, Purl Two at 5:52 pm 2 comments
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Kissing Summer Adios
Summer is now over, I have taken my holiday and we are well into September. The crisp weather has inspired me to kick things into high gear all around and I realize that perhaps this is one area of my life that I should consider doing that. So, here I am. Thanks for coming back and I hope you had a nice summer.
I shall slowly reveal the summer knitting that happened chez moi. Nothing too major as far as I know came off the needles, but little bits and pieces to keep me interested. My summer knitting always consists of lots of little things. Accessories... I love, love, love those. Knit or not. But this, is a knitting blog. So I will only reveal the knit ones. Until I completely run out of things to say. But that rarely happens.
So, I went to Italy for 2 weeks and all I knit was this little sock. The other one is almost done. I lovelovelove this stuff. Kaffe Fassett Regia. OOoooooo it's nice. I hadn't knit with Regia in forever and it's a treat. A real treat. Colour #4259.I know it's pretty pathetic for having been on holiday with nothing to do but sightsee, eat and swim but I tell you, it was so hot that I lived on the beach, and I didn't have a beach chair. Knitting crosslegged on a beach in such heat just wasn't going to happen. So, I read. That's ok, right?
Onto other things, you may have noticed that I have a problem with finishing things... I love the knitting but when it comes to felting, sewing up, etc, I suck. Perhaps that's why I like socks! Just graft the sweet little toe and you're done. Anyway, my mom has the same problem but this summer we discovered that when we work together, we can actually get a project done. Huh. Fancy that. So, here is the result of us putting out needles together. A felted bag from Fleece Artist. It's one of her kits called Toto done by Purl Grey.
Who did what do you ask? My mom knit the handles, I knit the base and body of the bag and she felted it. What a team! It was a fun little project though. It would make a great little gift. Or... a great (ahem) sample for the store.
Ok. No more knitting for now. Just one last thing. Flowers? Come on. Indulge me a little. They won't be around much longer. Look what I pulled from the garden.
Take a whiff of that why don't you?
Posted by Lynn One, Purl Two at 10:54 am 2 comments